Senin, 02 Agustus 2010

wolf and the stork

In days of old master and mistress of the Crane wolf friends, they always spend time together, one day host Wolf Stork invited to lunch lady at her home.
"I hope you come, mistress of the Stork" said the host Wolves. "I will provide a delicious meat." Mrs. Crane accepted the invitation and went to visit the host Wolves. Wolves have made a host of delicious pizza and served in a wide plate.
Mrs Crane pecking plate with a long beak, but he can not bite it kasha. until the head mistress terpatuk but still can not stork bite of pizza
The next day when the wolf came to the house master mistress Stork, Mr. Wolf tried to put his claws into the pot, but it seems does not work, then he tried to use his nose, the result is nil, he could only smell the delicious food. Then the mistress of the Crane enter a long beak into the pot and eating all that delicious.
When the meal was finished, Mrs. Crane said: "It's nice you can visit me, hopefully we can do again soon." Wolves host was so embarrassed and angry listening to the words of Mrs. Crane. then without a word host Wolves go.
Since then Stork and Wolf hostile.

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